How often do you review your business spending?

I was quite blasΓ© about it previously spending hundreds of pounds every month. It wasn’t until an unfortunate set of events kicked in that made me think.

It was August 2021 when I had an idea to centralise the database to allow the websites to have no negated functionality when the site switches to a failover server.

The cost of an AWS database was about Β£100 per month, which I was happy to pay as it included redundancy and it would mean there would be no difference between servers.

As there was a family holiday due, I implemented the solution and monitored it for a week before I went away. All was good πŸ‘

Then on the last day of the family holiday, I became ill after eating some fish and chips. It transpired I had a small bowel obstruction so I was in hospital for 6 weeks.

In this time the costs for AWS had reached Β£1,500 per month πŸ’°πŸ€―

This was a hard lesson for me to learn, I double checked the quoted amount by AWS and it was right at Β£100 per month. When I investigated further I found the small print – data transfer to non-AWS services is chargeable.

After reverting the solution, I then looked at all other spending.

I cancelled all non-necessary services which include a BT phone system & Social Media posts.

Have you gone through a similar process to review your spending?